Friday, August 15, 2014

Back to School

Local students head back to school Monday morning. The American Academy of Pediatrics offers the following tips for sending your kids back to the classroom:

  • Remind your child that there are probably a lot of students who are uneasy about the first day of school. This may be at any age. Teachers know that students are nervous and will make an extra effort to make sure everyone feels as comfortable as possible.
  • Point out the positive aspects of starting school.  She'll see old friends and meet new ones. Refresh her positive memories about previous years, when she may have returned home after the first day with high spirits because she had a good time.
  • Find another child in the neighborhood with whom your student can walk to school or ride on the bus.
  • If it is a new school for your child, attend any available orientations and take an opportunity to tour the school before the first day.
  • If you feel it is needed, drive your child (or walk with her) to school and pick her up on the first day.
  • Choose a backpack with wide, padded shoulder straps and a padded back.
  • Pack light. Organize the backpack to use all of its compartments. Pack heavier items closest to the center of the back. The backpack should never weigh more than 10 to 20 percent of your child's body weight.
  • Always use both shoulder straps. Slinging a backpack over one shoulder can strain muscles.
  • If your school allows, consider a rolling backpack. This type of backpack may be a good choice for students who must tote a heavy load. Remember that rolling backpacks still must be carried up stairs, they may be difficult to roll in snow, and they may not fit in some lockers.
Review the basic rules with your student:
  • Children should always board and exit the bus at locations that provide safe access to the bus or to the school building.
  • Remind your child to wait for the bus to stop before approaching it from the curb.
  • Make sure your child walks where she can see the bus driver (which means the driver will be able to see her, too).
  • Remind your student to look both ways to see that no other traffic is coming before crossing the street, just in case traffic does not stop as required.
  • Your child should not move around on the bus.
  • If your child's school bus has lap/shoulder seat belts, make sure your child uses one at all times when in the bus. (If your child's school bus does not have lap/shoulder belts, encourage the school system to buy or lease buses with lap/shoulder belts.}
  • All passengers should wear a seat belt and/or an age- and size-appropriate car safety seat or booster seat.
  • Your child should ride in a car safety seat with a harness as long as possible and then ride in a belt-positioning booster seat. Your child is ready for a booster seat when she has reached the top weight or height allowed for her seat, her shoulders are above the top harness slots, or her ears have reached the top of the seat.
  • Your child should ride in a belt-positioning booster seat until the vehicle's seat belt fits properly (usually when the child reaches about 4' 9" in height and is between 8 to 12 years of age). This means that the child is tall enough to sit against the vehicle seat back with her legs bent at the knees and feet hanging down and the shoulder belt lies across the middle of the chest and shoulder, not the neck or throat; the lap belt is low and snug across the thighs, and not the stomach.
  • All children younger than 13 years of age should ride in the rear seat of vehicles. If you must drive more children than can fit in the rear seat (when carpooling, for example), move the front-seat passenger's seat as far back as possible and have the child ride in a booster seat if the seat belts do not fit properly without it.
  • Remember that many crashes occur while novice teen drivers are going to and from school. You should require seat belt use, limit the number of teen passengers, and do not allow eating, drinking, cell phone conversations,  texting or other mobile device use to prevent driver distraction. Limit nighttime driving and driving in inclement weather. Familiarize yourself with your state's graduated driver's license law and consider the use of a parent-teen driver agreement to facilitate the early driving learning process. For a sample parent-teen driver agreement,
  • Always wear a bicycle helmet, no matter how short or long the ride.
  • Ride on the right, in the same direction as auto traffic.
  • Use appropriate hand signals.
  • Respect traffic lights and stop signs.
  • Wear bright-colored clothing to increase visibility. White or light-colored clothing and reflective gear is especially important after dark.
  • Know the "rules of the road."
  • Make sure your child's walk to school is a safe route with well-trained adult crossing guards at every intersection.
  • Identify other children in the neighborhood with whom your child can walk to school.  In neighborhoods with higher levels of traffic, consider organizing a "walking school bus," in which an adult accompanies a group of neighborhood children walking to school.
  • Be realistic about your child's pedestrian skills. Because small children are impulsive and less cautious around traffic, carefully consider whether or not your child is ready to walk to school without adult supervision.
  • If your children are young or are walking to a new school, walk with them the first week or until you are sure they know the route and can do it safely.
  • Bright-colored clothing will make your child more visible to drivers.
  • Most schools regularly send schedules of cafeteria menus home and/or have them posted on the school's website. With this advance information, you can plan on packing lunch on the days when the main course is one your child prefers not to eat.
  • Look into what is offered in school vending machines. Vending machines should stock healthy choices such as fresh fruit, low-fat dairy products, water and 100 percent fruit juice.  Learn about your child's school wellness policy and get involved in school groups to put it into effect.
  • Each 12-ounce soft drink contains approximately 10 teaspoons of sugar and 150 calories. Drinking just one can of soda a day increases a child's risk of obesity by 60%. Choose healthier options to send in your child's lunch.

Bullying or cyberbullying is when one child picks on another child repeatedly. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or social. It can happen at school, on the playground, on the school bus, in the neighborhood, over the Internet, or through mobile devices like cell phones.
When Your Child Is Bullied
  • Help your child learn how to respond by teaching your child how to:
    1. Look the bully in the eye.
    2. Stand tall and stay calm in a difficult situation.
    3. Walk away.
  • Teach your child how to say in a firm voice.
    1. "I don't like what you are doing."
    2. "Please do NOT talk to me like that."
    3. "Why would you say that?"
  • Teach your child when and how to ask a trusted adult for help.
  • Encourage your child to make friends with other children.
  • Support activities that interest your child.
  • Alert school officials to the problems and work with them on solutions.
  • Make sure an adult who knows about the bullying can watch out for your child's safety and well-being when you cannot be there.
  • Monitor your child's social media or texting interactions so you can identify problems before they get out of hand.
When Your Child Is the Bully
  • Be sure your child knows that bullying is never OK.
  • Set firm and consistent limits on your child's aggressive behavior.
  • Be a positive role mode. Show children they can get what they want without teasing, threatening or hurting someone.
  • Use effective, non-physical discipline, such as loss of privileges.
  • Develop practical solutions with the school principal, teachers, counselors, and parents of the children your child has bullied.
When Your Child Is a Bystander
  • Tell your child not to cheer on or even quietly watch bullying.
  • Encourage your child to tell a trusted adult about the bullying.
  • Help your child support other children who may be bullied. Encourage your child to include these children in activities.
  • Encourage your child to join with others in telling bullies to stop.

  • During early and middle childhood, youngsters need supervision. A responsible adult should be available to get them ready and off to school in the morning and supervise them after school until you return home from work.
  • If a family member will care for your child, communicate the need to follow consistent rules set by the parent regarding discipline and homework.
  • Children approaching adolescence (11- and 12-year-olds) should not come home to an empty house in the afternoon unless they show unusual maturity for their age.
  • If alternate adult supervision is not available, parents should make special efforts to supervise their children from a distance. Children should have a set time when they are expected to arrive at home and should check in with a neighbor or with a parent by telephone.
  • If you choose a commercial after-school program, inquire about the training of the staff. There should be a high staff-to-child ratio, and the rooms and the playground should be safe.
  • Create an environment that is conducive to doing homework. Children need a consistent work space in their bedroom or another part of the home that is quiet, without distractions, and promotes study.
  • Schedule ample time for homework.
  • Establish a household rule that the TV and other electronic distractions stay off during homework time.
  • Supervise computer and Internet use.
  • Be available to answer questions and offer assistance, but never do a child's homework for her.
  • Take steps to help alleviate eye fatigue, neck fatigue and brain fatigue while studying. It may be helpful to close the books for a few minutes, stretch, and take a break periodically when it will not be too disruptive.
  • If your child is struggling with a particular subject, and you aren't able to help her yourself, a tutor can be a good solution. Talk it over with your child's teacher first.
  • Some children need help organizing their homework.  Checklists, timers, and parental supervision can help overcome homework problems.
  • If your child is having difficulty focusing on or completing homework, discuss this with your child's teacher, school counselor, or health care provider.

Monday, May 5, 2014

National Nurses Week Recognizes Nurses’ Leadership, May 6-12

Patients often recognize that a nurse is the health care professional with whom they and their families have the most direct contact. But they might not realize that nurses also are leaders in improving the quality of care and expanding access to care. That’s why May 6-12 is celebrated as National Nurses Week, an annual opportunity for communities to recognize the full range of nurses’ contributions.

This year’s theme, “Nurses: Leading the Way,” recognizes nurses as leaders at the bedside, in the boardroom, throughout communities and in the halls of government. The public holds nurses in high regard and trusts them to advocate for patients. For the past 12 years, the public has ranked nursing as the top profession for honesty and ethics in an annual Gallup survey.  

Beginning with National Nurses Day on May 6, nurses are being honored as leaders who improve the quality of health care. Nurses practice in diverse roles, such as clinicians, administrators, researchers, educators and policymakers.

“All nurses are leaders, whether they are in direct patient care, administrative roles, or meeting consumers’ needs in new roles such as care coordinators or wellness coaches,” said ANA President Karen A. Daley, PhD, RN, FAAN. “This week, we acknowledge nurses’ vast contributions and how they are leading the way in improving health care and ultimately, the health of the nation.”

Nurses are leading initiatives to increase access to care and improve outcomes by focusing on primary care, prevention, wellness, chronic disease management and the coordination of care among health care providers and settings.  These are areas in which nurses excel given their education and experience.

As the Affordable Care Act is fully implemented, nurses will be more crucial than ever, leading efforts to expand primary care at community-based clinics and deliver more efficient and cost-effective care as members of collaborative health care teams. Consider that:
  • Nursing is the nation’s largest health care profession, with nearly three million employed professionals.
  • Nursing is projected to grow faster than all other occupations: The federal government projects more than one million new RNs will be needed by 2022 to fill new jobs and replace RNs who leave the profession.   
  • Demand for nursing care will grow rapidly as Baby Boomers swell Medicare enrollment by 50 percent by 2025 and millions of individuals obtain new or better access to care under the health care reform law.
  • Nurses are rapidly creating and expanding new job roles – such as nurse navigators, care coordinator specialists, and nurse wellness coaches -- to help patients secure resources, obtain seamless comprehensive care, and develop healthy lifestyle practices.
Wherever health care is provided, a nurse is likely to be there -- hospitals, ambulatory care centers, private practices, retail and urgent care clinics, nurse-managed health centers, homes, schools, nursing homes, and public and nonprofit agencies.

Increasingly, nurses with advanced degrees, such as nurse practitioners, are providing primary care services and managing chronic illnesses. Studies show patients are highly satisfied with their services and are experiencing outcomes comparable to those of physician services. 


Note to Editors/Reporters: National Nurses Week is celebrated annually by professional associations, health care facilities, governments, and communities from May 6 (National Nurses Day) to May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. In 2014, the American Nurses Association (ANA) recognizes “Nurses: Leading the Way.” ANA encourages publication of this article, or excerpts with your own local adaptation, to inform your audience about nurses’ roles as leaders in enhancing health in your community.
For more information:
Karen Weido

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Do You Know Your Risk?

For more information:
Karen Weido

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

MRMC Launches New Website

Magnolia Regional Medical Center launched a new and improved website this week. The site features an updated design and a wealth of information for both patients and visitors.

The site, located at highlights some of the most popular pages within the site and includes links and information for most every department in the hospital.

"I am so excited to see this site go live," says Karen Weido, MRMC Marketing Director. "We have been working towards a more user-friendly online experience for quite some time."

Visitors to the new MRMC homepage can do more than just obtain medical information. By clicking on the "Careers" tab, job seekers can now see what positions are available and even complete their application online.

An updated "Physician Finder" allows visitors to look for physicians based on either location or specialty.  And of course, the ever popular Cafeteria Menu is easy to locate right from the homepage.

A new feature, the Events tab, allows visitors to see all upcoming events the hospital has planned. In some cases, such as child birth classes, visitors can register for those events right on the website as well.

"We really want this new site to be something the public can utilize when seeking information about the many services MRMC provides. I will be adding and updating information on a regular basis and would love feedback or suggestions from site visitors," says Weido.

MRMC contracted with In10sity for design and content management on the new site.

For more information:
Karen Weido

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

CAB Applications Being Accepted

Applications are now being accepted for membership on the MRMC Community Advisory Board.

The purpose of the MRMC Community Advisory Board (CAB) is to create a forum for representatives from our service area to provide feedback to MRMC leadership regarding the hospital. The CAB also provides hospital leadership an opportunity to provide education to the community on services provided.

The Community Advisory Board consists of 15 members selected from Columbia County and surrounding areas as determined by patients demographics. Members serve staggered three-year terms beginning April 1 of each year. The CAB meets on a quarterly basis during the evening hours.

All citizens of Columbia County and surrounding areas are encouraged to apply for membership. Members must be fluent in English. Members of the MRMC Staff, Medical Staff, Board of Commissioners, Foundation Board, or their immediate family members are not eligible for membership.

To apply for membership, please choose one of the following:

Apply Online - Click Here
Print and Mail Application - Click Here

The deadline to submit an application is March 14.
For more information:
Karen Weido

Friday, January 31, 2014

MRMC to Host Health Insurance Education and Enrollment Fair

Magnolia Regional Medical Center will host an Education and Enrollment Fair on February 10, 2014 to assist Columbia County residents with enrollment in health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace. The event will be held from 5:00pm - 8:00pm at the LifeSmart Rehabilitation Center, 1005 N Jackson in Magnolia.

"We are pleased to host an education and enrollment fair for affordable health insurance," Margaret West, MRMC CEO said. "This is an opportunity for residents to learn about the new health insurance law and get enrollment assistance."

The public is invited to attend to learn more about the health insurance options available through the new Health Insurance Marketplace, get information about the financial assistance now available to help pay insurance premiums and meet with trained, licensed guides for enrollment assistance.

To be eligible to enroll, a person must be between the ages of 18 and 64, live in the U.S., and must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully present. Anyone who plans to enroll should be prepared with:

  • Birthdate and Social Security Numbers (or document numbers for legal immigrants) for each member of household
  • Employer and income information for every member of the household (for example, pay stubs, W-2 forms, wage and tax statements)

"This event is a great opportunity for people to "Get In" and enroll in health insurance. I encourage anyone who doesn't have health insurance to attend this event," said West.

For more information, please call Karen Weido at 870-235-3212.
For more information:
Karen Weido

Thursday, January 2, 2014

MRMC Welcomes New Year's Baby

Magnolia Regional Medical Center welcomes the first baby born in 2014 in our facility.  Ma'Kinlee Reginae Bradley was born on January 1st at 4:16pm.  She weighed 7lb 3oz and is 20 inches long.

MRMC Welcomes New Year's Baby
Angela Garland shows off her New Year's Baby, Ma'Kinlee Bradley. Also pictured is big sister Nateyona Hunter

Proud parents are Angela Garland and Reginald Bradley.  Grandparents are Roy and Dorothy Henry, Lonnie and Carol Garland, and Mae Bell and Hervey Bradley, all of Magnolia.  Great-grandparents are Elouise Henderson and Elsie Ray Allen.

Ma'Kinlee is welcomed by siblings Di'Angelo Dockery, De'Quaintanse Lenox, Ke'Monye Dockery, Nateyona Hunter, and Kerrison Bradley.

For more information:
Karen Weido