Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Board of Commissioners - June 27, 2011

The MRMC Board of Commissioners met June 27, 2011 at noon in the MRMC Board Room.

Financial Report
May showed an EBIDA loss of $145,349, and a year to date EBIDA gain of $351,459.  There were 136 admissions during the month of May.

Old Business
Margaret West presented two options for expanding the campus to house the Magnolia Medical Clinic and Magnolia Surgical Clinic.  Option A includes the purchase and remodel of a clinic located on Columbia Street, plus the remodel of the current Magnolia Medical Clinic.  Option B is to build a free standing building on the hospital property to house both clinics.  The discussion was tabled with Dr. Jason Franks requested that an Option C be investigated.  Option C would be to add on to the existing Emergency Department to create a clinic.

Margaret West presented two options to begin implementation of a Hospitalists program.  Option A, an agreement with HCC, was determined to be too expensive.  Option B, a hybrid program with a day time hospitalist also serving as the Rural Health director, was adopted by the Board.

Margaret West updated the Board on recent meetings regarding the South Arkansas AHEC program.  She will keep the Board updated as developments unfold.

New Business
Margaret West informed the Board of a wellness program that MRMC is adopting for the employees.

Foundation Report
Molly Burns, Foundation Chair, thanked everyone involved in making the Stars of Arkansas fundraiser a success.  The event raised $55,000 for the Foundation.

Medical Staff Report
The following practitioners were granted reappointment to the Medical Staff: Moises Menendez MD, Jack Royal MD, Jo Ann Clark APN, and Neeta Vargo MD. The following practitioners were granted initial appointments to the Medical Staff: Michael Diamond MD, Clifford Ball MD, and Karl Wagenhauser MD.

The July Board meeting will be held August 8, 2011 at noon.