Monday, January 9, 2012

Community Advisory Board

Magnolia Regional Medical Center is now accepting applications for membership on the Community Advisory Board (CAB).  The purpose of the CAB is for representatives from the hospital’s service area to provide feedback to MRMC leadership regarding the hospital’s position in the community.  The board serves as an opportunity for community leaders to learn more about the hospital and the effort it makes to provide top-level health care to the citizens of Columbia County.

MRMC is currently accepting applications for membership on the Community Advisory Board.  The application can be found online at

Applications must be submitted no later than February 24.  Those who previously submitted an application for membership do not need to resubmit; applications are held over from previous years.

Members will be selected by the CAB selection committee, and will serve three year terms beginning April 2012.  The CAB will meet quarterly.  Meetings will take place in the evening hours with a light meal served.

We look forward to working with our community to enhance the level of healthcare available to us right here at home.  If you have any questions about the CAB, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

For more information, contact Karen Weido at 870-235-3212, or by email at