Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Playground Safety

Playgrounds are great places for children to test and grow their physical abilities. But whether they're playing on a backyard swing set or at a public park, there are some dangers at every playground. To keep your kids safe while they play, follow this SAFE checklist:

Supervision is present - Adults should watch kids at playgrounds at all times.  They should be on the look out for any dangers and be ready to step in if a child needs help.

Age-appropriate equipment - Children under the age of five should play in a separate area from older children to keep play fun and safe for everyone. Smaller children also need to play on equipment that is right for their size. Playing on equipment made for larger children may result in injuries.

Falls to the ground are cushioned - A fall to concrete, asphalt of even dirt and grass could result in serious injury. Look for playgrounds that have sand, wood chips or rubber matting under swings, seesaws and jungle gyms. All of these surfaces will cushion your child if he or she falls.

Equipment is safe - Check out the equipment before every play session. Make sure everything is anchored safely to the ground and that all the equipment is in good working order. Look for open S hooks or other pieces that could catch on your child's clothing. Also check for rusted or exposed bolts and shard edges or points. If at home, cover these areas with protective rubber. If at a public playground, report the problem to the appropriate authorities.