Monday, January 24, 2011

Board of Commissioners, January 24, 2011

The Magnolia Regional Medical Center Board of Commissioners met Monday, January 24, 2011 at noon and heard reports from the MRMC Leadership Team.

For December, the EBIDA showed a net gain of $17,657, and a year to date gain of $68,678.  There were 158 inpatient admissions for the month.

Old Business
Information has been submitted for a feasibility study for a full time Hospitalists program.
The hospital has selected Edward Jones for the new employee retirement plan.  The plan should go into effect on March 1st.
An overview was given on the newly formed Community Advisory Board.  Applications are still being accepted for membership and the first meeting will be in April.

New Business
A new committee structure was presented.  This new structure will streamline the reporting process for the various departments in the hospital.
The Board passed a resolution to support MRMC's participation in the Statewide Trauma System.
Performance Improvement data was presented and shows that the hospital ranks high in all reporting measures.
The 2011 Environment of Care plan was approved.

Jason Franks was elected as the new secretary for the Board.

A special thanks to Harriett Franks. She raised $40,000 for artwork for the new facility.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Community Advisory Board

Magnolia Regional Medical Center is excited to announce the creation of a Community Advisory Board (CAB).  The purpose of the CAB will be for representatives from the hospital’s service area to provide feedback to MRMC leadership regarding the hospital’s position in the community.  The board will also serve as an opportunity for community leaders to learn more about the hospital and the effort it makes to provide top-level health care to the citizens of Columbia County.

MRMC is currently accepting applications for membership on the Community Advisory Board.  The application can also be found online at

Members will be selected by the CAB selection committee, and will serve three year terms.  The CAB will meet quarterly, with the first meeting to be held in April 2011.  Meetings will take place in the evening hours with a light meal served.

We look forward to working with our community to enhance the level of healthcare available to us right here at home.  If you have any questions about the CAB, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

For more information, contact Karen Weido at 870-235-3212, or by email at

Friday, January 7, 2011

Waller Named Employee of the Month

Jennifer Waller, RN has been named the January 2010 Employee of the Month.  Jennifer is an Emergency Department nurse and has played a vital role in getting MRMC eligible for the state wide trauma system.

Margaret West, CEO; Jennifer Waller, Employee of the Month; Joycelyn Watkins, CNO

Joycelyn Watkins, Chief Nursing Officer, pins Jennifer Waller as Employee of the Month

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Foundation Giving Tree

The Magnolia Regional Medical Center Foundation, under the supervision of Ann Downs, recently completed the creation of the Giving Tree in the Labor and Delivery Department.  The Giving Tree features hearts containing the name and birth date of those they are purchased for.  It replaces the hand print campaign which began in 2005 in the Magnolia Hospital.  The hearts that were featured at Magnolia Hospital have been transferred to the Giving Tree which is located in the waiting area on the 2nd floor of the medical center.

Gifts to the Magnolia Regional Medical Center Foundation are tax deductible and support projects of the medical center.  Anyone wishing to purchase a heart with the name and birth date of a loved one may do so by contacting the Foundation office at 870-235-3213.

Auxiliary Completes Donation

front row: Paula Boaz, Norma Hayes, Carolyn Terry, Lucy Ray
back row: Chuck Williams, Molly Burns, Jessie Wren, George Quik, Lauris Squires

The Magnolia Regional Medical Center Auxiliary recently completed their $400,000 capital campaign pledge to the MRMC Foundation.

The Magnolia Hospital Auxiliary was organized in April 1958 as a project of the Columbia County Medical Auxiliary in which Mildred Ruff was a vital part in founding this organization.  Other charter members were June Houston, Mary Jane Wilson, Pauline Burt, Ann Weber, Nancy Crow, Elizabeth Rushton and Margaret Sizemore.

The Auxiliary members have given many hours of volunteer service to the hospital.  The money raised by the Auxiliary through the years have been through the rental of television sets, snack bar sales, vending machine sales, gift shop sales, uniform sales, jewelry sales, bake sales and book sales. 

Currently the Auxiliary has 43 members and volunteered 8,602 hours in 2010.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year Baby

The first baby of 2011 has arrived at Magnolia Regional Medical Center.  Shayan Perez was born on January 2, 2011, at 1:50pm.  He weighed 6lb, 5oz and measured 21in long.  Proud parents are Reema and Michael Perez.

Monday, January 3, 2011

HEALTH Coalition Support ShapeDown Program

The Magnolia Regional Medical Center ShapeDown program has received $1,850 in scholarship funds from the Columbia County HEALTH Coalition.  The ShapeDown program provides healthy eating education for children and their parents.  The money was obtained as part of the Growing Healthy Communities grant from the Arkansas Coalition on Obesity Prevention.

Nancy Bailey, HEALTH Coalition President; Kim Keith, HEALTH Coalition Treasurer; Susan Jennings, MRMC Dietitian; Margaret West, MRMC CEO