Monday, January 24, 2011

Board of Commissioners, January 24, 2011

The Magnolia Regional Medical Center Board of Commissioners met Monday, January 24, 2011 at noon and heard reports from the MRMC Leadership Team.

For December, the EBIDA showed a net gain of $17,657, and a year to date gain of $68,678.  There were 158 inpatient admissions for the month.

Old Business
Information has been submitted for a feasibility study for a full time Hospitalists program.
The hospital has selected Edward Jones for the new employee retirement plan.  The plan should go into effect on March 1st.
An overview was given on the newly formed Community Advisory Board.  Applications are still being accepted for membership and the first meeting will be in April.

New Business
A new committee structure was presented.  This new structure will streamline the reporting process for the various departments in the hospital.
The Board passed a resolution to support MRMC's participation in the Statewide Trauma System.
Performance Improvement data was presented and shows that the hospital ranks high in all reporting measures.
The 2011 Environment of Care plan was approved.

Jason Franks was elected as the new secretary for the Board.

A special thanks to Harriett Franks. She raised $40,000 for artwork for the new facility.